Protesting against the genocide of Semitic Palestinians has nothing to do with antisemitism.
Credo .
@Live Mike. Venerable Sr. Lucia of Fatima through the intercession of The Immaculate Heart of Mary ~ Pray for the conversion of poor sinners In addition we should pray for the conversion of Pope Francis, and also pray for the conversion of the Jewish Nation. 🙏 🙏 🙏
Credo .
@Live Mike. You better inform the protesting students about that!
Live Mike
@Credo . Be happy to. And you better inform the gullible souls who actually believe reports coming from the Luciferian controlled mainstream media - the same folks who think abortion, the poison-death-shot, and LGBT ideology are all fine & dandy.
?biased against Christianity? See Father Mawdsley from today about this problem, and how it is a reflection of a real persecution of Catholics, and even contradicts Jesus and the Bible. (from Opera 369)
The Wandering Recluse
In my opinion, it is all based toward Christianity. Make the Jews look persecuted so they can pass a law that it is a felony to be antisemitic. The Catholic faith is in itself, antisemitic. Then the Christians must die and the Church must fall.
Live Mike
I hear you
Ivan Tomas
It wil be more correct to say: All [evil] is based against Christ the Lord ans His holy Catholic Church...